School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences (SAMPS/NTUA)

School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences (SAMPS), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), 9 Iroon Polytechniou, 15780 Zografou, Greece

SAMPS being the youngest School of NTUA is continuously striving for leadership in research and education not only at national but also international level following the long-term proven competence of NTUA. This competence is based on stimulating timely reactions to new technological trends and opportunities but without compromising education and research in fundamental sciences. The School participates in the Innovation-el national infrastructure through the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Micro-Nano Devices (LAMDE) established in 2016 to increase synergies and promote an interdisciplinary scientific approach. Laboratory’s mission is to perform high quality research and assist education in advanced materials and devices with application in fields such as information technology, energy, health, environment and food. We use advanced experimental methods, simulation techniques and theoretical approaches to study the electronic, optical, magnetic, dielectric, thermal and mechanical properties of materials and devices at the nanoscale.

LAMDE participates in Innovation-el through state-of-the-art vacuum based equipment for thin film and nanoparticle growth (Atomic Layer Deposition, Sputtering) operated in a clean room area as well as for material characterization techniques (Raman Spectroscopy, SEM, AFM).