Operation of new High Resolution Analytical Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (HR S/TEM)
The new cutting-edge Talos F200i (Thermo-Fisher Scientific) S/TEM facility installed at INN/NCSRD.
We are happy to announce the operation of a new Thermo Scientific Talos F200i S/TEM , which is the first field emission gun S/TEM installed in Greece. Combining the high brightness of its electron gun with high resolution TEM and S/TEM imaging and a Bruker track-race 100mm2 windowless Energy Dispersive X-ray microanalyzer, it enables Innovation-el scientists to unveil the structure and chemical composition of nanostructures and materials down to the atomic scale. The detailed knowledge gained utilizing the microscope is foreseen not only to enhance the characterization capabilities offered by Innovation-el, but also to boost the potential of Innovation-el users to develop and optimize a wide range of novel nanomaterials and devices with applications in energy, ICT, pharmaceutical, environment and construction sectors