LFA / Laser Flash Analysis for thermal diffusivity measurements

The heat transfer process is very important in many scientific and industrial areas and, thus, researchers and engineers are looking for a reliable technique for the thermal characterization of the materials used. The Flash method is a fast, non-destructive, non-contact, and absolute method for determining two fundamental thermal properties: diffusivity and conductivity.

The thermal diffusivity a is directly measured from the heat transmission through the sample under study. The front surface of a plane-parallel sample is heated by a light pulse shot and the resulting temperature evolution of the rear face is measured with an infrared detector. By using a reference specimen the specific heat, Cp, of solid samples may also be calculated. Combining these properties with the density value, ρ, the thermal conductivity, , is evaluated as follows: λ(T) = a(T) · Cp(T) · ρ(T)


Light Flash apparatus LFA 467 HyperFlash® Netzsch


Thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and specific heat of solid and liquid samples

Technical specifications

(a) Temperature range: RT – 500 degrees C
(b) Thermal diffusivity: 0.01 mm2/s to 1000 mm2/s
(c) Thermal conductivity: 0.1 W/(m·K) to 2000 W/(m·K)
(d) Thermal diffusivity accuracy: ± 3%
(e) Atmosphere: Nitogen purge gas
(f) Sample holder: 16 x round sheets diam. 12.7 mm (special sample holder for liquids)
(g) Measurement and Analysis software: Proteus® Software, Netzsch

Additional Information

Prof. Apostolos Kyritsis (akyrits@central.ntua.gr)

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