Optical / Reflectance Photometry & Solar Cell Characterization

Reflectance study of materials give us information of the optical properties. General reflectivity is sensitive to complex dielectric function ε=ε1+iε2 where ε1 is the real and ε2 the imaginary part of this. In the wide frequency range the two parts related with Kramers-Kroning relations. Starting with the experimental data for the reflectivity R(ω) we can found the reflection coefficient r(ω) and the phase of reflectivity θ(ω) and we can calculate the refractive and absorption constant n(ω) and k(ω) and finally the frequency dependence of ε1 and ε2. With this procedure we can found the optical constants of each material. It’s a very useful tool for thick layers like a crystal.

Solar cells dark and photocurrent measurements show the series and shunt device resistance and finally the efficiency of the device. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements can be measure using spectrometer and power measurements for each wavelength.


Reflectance photometry and Solar Cell characterization set-up


Continuous Xe arc lamp (150W)
Halogen Lamp (250W)
Deuterium lamp
Excitation range: 190-2000nm

Solar Simulator

Distance 10cm, 1SUN, AM 1.5

Detection Range


Temperature Range For Reflectivity


Sampling Modules



Dielectric function calculation and optical properties for any material
Optical characterization for thick crystal
Full Solar Cell characterization

Additional Tools

Micro-Specular Reflectance measurements
Solid angle dependence measurements
Polarization study
Detection system for photocurrent measurements
Spectra dependence efficiency measurements (EQE)

Additional Information

Maria Androulidaki / reflectance photometry, pyrhnas@physics.uoc.gr
Prof. E. Iliopoulos / solar cell characterization, iliopoulos@physics.uoc.gr

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