SEM /Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy utilizes a fine focused electron beam that is scanned across the surface of the sample. The beam electrons interact with the sample producing various signals that are used to form images of the surface topography (secondary electrons) and Z-contrast images (backscattered electrons) Apart imaging the surface of the sample from the mm to the nm scale, a variety of analytical techniques can be applied in a SEM including: Elemental analysis can be performed by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy through analysis of the X-rays emitted by the sample; Crystallographic phase distribution and local texture of the specimen can be measured through Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD). Finally apart the conventional high-vacuum sample environment, low-vacuum microscopes are used for the study of samples producing a high amount of vapour.
The facility includes 6 microscopes ranging from conventional SEM to HRSEM (1nm resolution) and low-vacuum SEM equipped with analytical techniques such as EDS and EBSD.
FEI :Quanta Inspect SEM
Conventional & Low pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) analysis
Thermionic gun W
E-T, BS, LFD (low vacuum), EDX (light elements down to B), CCD IR inspection camera
Motorized x,y(±50mm), z(25mm), rotation (360 continuous), tilt (-10 to +80 deg)
Low vacuum mode (up to 0.70 Torr), quantitative elemental analysis: point, line, area, map.
Au & C coating of samples
Nikos Boukos,
JEOL / JSM 7401F Field Emission SEM (FESEM)
Conventional SEM operation and low voltage operation to study surfaces of a large variety of non-conductive specimens, with nanometer scale resolution. Materials: metals, ceramics, plastics, polymers, oxides, semiconductors and semiconducting devices. Surface features and particles from the nanometer to the millimeter scale.
Cold field emission electron gun (Tungsten single crystal emitter)
0.1 to 30 kV
1.0nm (15kV), 1.5nm (1kV)
Three Electron Detectors + Camera: Upper secondary electron in-lens (SEI), Lower secondary electron (LEI), Retractable backscattered electrons detectors (RBEI) & IR camera
Eucentric goniometer stage. Computer controlled 3-axis: X-Y: 70 x 50mm, rotation R:360o and manual handling of Z-axis: 1.5 up to 25mm and tilt from -5o up to +70o
Magnification up to x1.000.000, Vaccum down to 10-8Pa, Sample Size: From 10mm x 10mm to 10cm x 10cm, Maximum Sample Height: 10mm
Dr. V. Vamvakas,
JEOL / JSM 7401F Field Emission SEM (FESEM)
Conventional SEM operation. Gentle beam option to study non-conductive samples. Materials: metals, ceramics and carbon, plastics, polymers, oxides, semiconductors.
Cold field emission electron gun (Tungsten single crystal emitter)
0.1 to 30 kV
1.0nm (15kV), 1.5nm (1kV)
Three Electron Detectors + Camera: Upper secondary electron in-lens (SEI), Lower secondary electron (LEI), Retractable backscattered electrons detectors (RBEI) & IR camera
Eucentric goniometer stage. Computer controlled 3-axis: X-Y: 70 x 50mm, rotation R:360o and manual handling of Z-axis: 1.5 up to 25mm and tilt from -5o up to +70o
Magnification up to x1.000.000, Vaccum down to 10-8Pa, Sample Size: From 10mm x 10mm to 10cm x 10cm, Maximum Sample Height: 10mm
Dr. F. Katsaros,
Zeiss Supra 35 VP
High resolution SEM, Low pressure SEM, Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Orientation imaging (EBSD), Compositional Imaging (BSE)
Thermal Field Emission Gun (W - Zr/O coated)
1,7nm at 20kV in high vacuum mode and 2,0nm at 30kV in variable pressure mode
SE: Inlens, ET ; BSE; EBSD, VPSE (low vacuum), EDX, CCD
Motorized x,y(±50mm), z(25mm), rotation (360 continuous), tilt (-1 to +80 deg)
Variable pressure mode (up to 125Pa), quantitative analysis (point line, area); Au, C sample coating
Dr. Vasileios Dracopoulos,
FE-SEM, JEOL JSM-7000F equipped with INCA microanalysis system (Oxford Instruments)
High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)
Schottky type field-emission (T-FE) gun with Zr/O tungsten emitter
0.5 - 30kV
E-T, EDX (light elements down to B)
x-axis:70mm (motor driven), y-axis:50mm (motor driven), z axis: 3 to 41mm (continuous), rotation: 360o endless (motor driven), tilt: -5oo
Quantitative elemental analysis: spot, area, map
AuPd coating of samples
Katerina Tsagaraki,
FEI Nova NanoSEM 230
High and ultra-high resolution imaging of specimen’s surface for structural and morphological analysis
Schottky field emission gun with Tungsten (W) emitter
50 V to 30 kV
1 nm at 15 kV or 1.6 nm at 1 kV
In-lens SE detector (TLD-SE) and in-lens BSE detector (TLD-BSE)
Motorized stage x,y axis (±50mm), z axis(25mm), rotation (360 continuous), tilt (-1 to +80 deg)
Sample Size: From 5mm x 5mm to 10cm x 10cm, Maximum Sample Height: 10mm
Dimitris Tsoukalas (