TGA / Thermogravimetric Analysis

Thermogravimetric Analysis, TGA, is a technique of thermal analysis in which the mass of a substance is monitored as a function of temperature or time as the sample specimen is subjected to a controlled temperature program in a controlled atmosphere. TGA can provide information about physical phenomena, such as second-order phase transitions, including vaporization, sublimation, absorption, adsorption, and desorption. Likewise, TGA can provide information about chemical phenomena including dehydration, decomposition (i.e. loss of organic addends on nanostructures, structural deformation), and solid-gas reactions (e.g., oxidation or reduction). TGA is commonly used to determine selected characteristics of materials that exhibit either mass loss or gain due to decomposition, oxidation, or loss of volatiles (such as moisture).

The basic part of a TGA setup is its cell. It consists of a sample pan and a reference pan that are supported by a precision balance. The pans reside in a furnace and are heated or cooled during the experiment. The weight detector monitors the mass loss of the sample during the experiment. A sample purge gas controls the sample environment. This gas may be inert or a reactive gas that flows over the sample and exits through an exhaust.


TA Instruments, SDT Q600 for simultaneous TGA and DSC experiments


Decomposition temperature
Percentage of volatiles

System Design

Horizontal balance & furnace

Sample Environment

Gas flow

Balance Design

Dual beam

Balance Sensitivity


Sample Pans

Platinum, Alumina

Sample Capacity


Temperature Range

Ambient to 1500°C

Heating Rate

Ambient to 1000°C: 0.1-100°C/min
Ambient to 1500°C: 0.1-25°C/min

Calorimetric Accuracy / Precision


Additional Information

Dr. Kiriaki Chrissopoulou,


TA Instruments, TGA Q500 equipped with standard furnace


Calculate loading (wt%) on nanostructures
Thermal stability of compounds and nanomaterials
Thermal decomposition profiles
Oxidative assays (O2 flow), i.e. SWNTs cone-end opening
Data analysis, i.e. Derivative of Weight vs Temperature, functional groups/unit cell

System Design

Vertical balance & furnace

Sample Environment

Gas flow: N2, Ar, O2

Balance Design

Hang-down loops

Balance Sensitivity


Sample Pans

Platinum, Aluminum, Alumina (Al2O3)

Sample Capacity

Platinum: 50 µL,100 µL
Alumina: 100 µL, 250 µL, 500 µL
Aluminum: 100 µL
Sample weight: 1mg - 1g

Temperature Range

+5°C to 1000°C (Platinel II thermocouple)

Heating Rate

+5°C to 1000°C: 0.1-100°C/min

Additional Information

Dr Nikos Tagmatarchis,

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