Reinforce your Team’s Skills

Innovation-el organizes in regular terms thematic research training courses and hands-on workshops on the fields of expertise of consortium partners. These seminars are core component of Innovation-el.

The aim of the training courses is to provide young researchers, technical staff and research personnel of Startups, private companies, SMEs and industry, as well as under- and post-graduate students the skills required for multiplying the impact of their research. Innovation-el Research Seminars bring together aspiring researchers with non-academic partners and junior academics to discuss current research topics, develop research solutions and build-up their analytical skills. Through these seminars, Innovation-el aims to develop a knowledge community in industry-oriented research, which is open to anyone undertaking relevant research in the area.

The structure of the courses contains an in-depth introduction and overview on subjects related to synthesis, micro-nanofabrication, characterization and simulation techniques and tools available through Innovation-el.

These activities are open to all those that are interested on, upon registration to the relevant call. Registration fees may be applicable, depending on the course.

Main topics of the training courses

  • Theory & Simulation
  • Synthesis & Growth
  • Characterization
  • Micro-NanoFabrication

Special thematic sessions or training courses on requested topics can also be scheduled and organized, upon request and communication with us. Fill the query form for providing you more information on availability, dates and cost.

More details on the topics, content and dates of the training courses are available on the News section, in Innovation-el News page, as well as on our Newsletter. Introductory training material including presentations, webinars and more can be found here. For keeping you informed with all our future activities, please subscribe to our Newsletter below.